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Project and Lab Services

This document provides details about what resources are available for OpenWallet Foundation projects and labs. If there are any questions about anything on the document or if you'd like to leverage any of these resources for your project or lab, feel free to reach out to community-architects at openwallet dot foundation.

Service Lab Growth Project Impact Project
Github repos Yes Yes Yes
Chat channel Yes Yes Yes
Mailing list Optional Yes Yes
Paid tooling Yes (with some restrictions at the discretion of OpenWallet Foundation staff) Yes Yes
Access to OpenWallet Foundation's channels (social, newsletters, blogs, meetups, etc) Yes (with some restrictions at the discretion of the Marketing lead) Yes Yes
Page on the OpenWallet Foundation site Yes Yes
Creation of an official project name and logo Yes Yes
Coordinate promotion of major project milestones and releases Yes Yes
Option to create a Twitter account Yes Yes
Priority placement on site Yes
Swag (stickers and potentially other items with the project logo) Yes
Onboarding New Users and Contributors
Able to take part in OpenWallet Foundation's annual Mentorship program TBD TBD TBD
Able to have project/lab featured in a contribution campaign Yes (at the discretion of OpenWallet Foundation staff) TBD TBD
Workshops Yes
Documentation and Translation support TBD TBD TBD
LF created training course Yes (at the discretion of LF Training) Yes (at the discretion of LF Training)
LF created certification Yes (at the discretion of LF Training)
License scanning Yes Yes
Security audits Not usually (although this can be done at the discretion of staff) Yes (at the discretion of OpenWallet Foundation staff)